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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3374 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Random Photo Challenge - Height

Say some more stuff about the Ford Trimotor!

jberd45  ·  3374 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well let's see....it was one of those things I lucked out on. The E.A.A operates this plane, and one night at work I heard an ad offering rides on this plane. Since the next day was Sept. 11th, I figured the best way to acknowledge this would be to fly on an aeroplane. It was $70, and they flew a loop around town.

As for the actual plane; it is really narrow inside. [img][/img] An average person can stand in the middle and touch both sides of the interior. It is very loud, like 20 Harley Davidson motorcycles are propelling it through the air. The cruising speed is about 90 mph, so it is a leisurely trip.

What else? This plane was apparently in the movie Public Enemies, and I sat in the same seat Johnny Depp was in.