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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  3230 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Arthur Ganson: Moving sculpture | TED Talk | TED.com

This piece is painted canvas (acrylic) with a powder coated formed neon light. The ask is $3500.

I'm not sure price and technique are correlated. Price in the art market (at least in the small gallery scene) is determined mostly by the artist and gallerist/gallery owner together. One would like to think that their choices aren't completely arbitrary, but for relatively unknown artists it's difficult to determine who will buy at a given price. At $3500 for a Robbie McDonald (who doesn't have a lot of name), you would be buying on a suspicion that people will know him. Even if I liked the piece (I don't really), that's too rich for my blood to purely speculate on.

tacocat  ·  3230 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My prices are largely pulled out of my ass. Galleries are a pain. They take up to 60% so they're a big part of price.