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comment by Dendrophobe
Dendrophobe  ·  3221 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are some lesser-known shows that you think are just great?

Luther, from the BBC.

It's got Idris Elba in it. I didn't really know him before I saw Luther, but now when I see that he's in something, I'm like "Fuck yeah, Idris Elba!" (fingers crossed he gets Bond, but I doubt it'll happen).

Anyways, you've heard the premise a million times. A cop who's better at his job than everyone else investigates serial murders. Same old story. Luther doesn't really do something new, it just does the old stuff really, really well. He's a better cop than everyone else, but he's not unbelievably better. He screws up. He thinks of things other people don't... but it's too late. People get hurt because he makes the wrong call. It's an incredibly intense show with some rock-solid acting from the entire cast. It's short, too. Only 14 episodes across 3 seasons. Make sure you have time to watch episodes 5 and 6 together, because you won't want to stop when you get there.

Also, the cinematography is fantastic. The whole thing is beautifully shot.

kleinbl00  ·  3209 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I was into Luther until he started getting all cuddly with the sociopath. Then I was like, "eh" and there are so many "eh" shows on Netflix that I couldn't prioritize.

shiny36  ·  3221 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've been wanting to get started on Luther for a while, actually! I watched the first season of the Wire and I really like Idris Elba. After this recommendation I really want to start watching it finally.

Dendrophobe  ·  3221 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You won't regret it. Or maybe you will - it gets pretty brutal in places. But hopefully not!

I haven't seen The Wire, but I've heard good things. It might be a shock to hear him with an English accent, I've heard people say that they didn't realize he wasn't American after watching The Wire.

shiny36  ·  3220 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I liked the Wire a lot. I feel like it portrays the cop world extremely authentically. It starts off slow but it's because they have to introduce the cast of characters and set it up well. At some point they pick up the pace and it gets more complex and interesting from there. And yes, Idris Elba does have a great American accent, but I've seen trailers for Luther and I think I'll manage to get used to his Britishness.