Mhm, I didn't inform myself in detail about Hannibal yet, but that sounds pretty good.. and Season 3 just started.. maybe I should binge-watch S01 and S02 this weekend and join the third season... mhhhhmm :D Also, I obviously heard a lot of the wire, which is often called the best series ever. I don't doubt it's cast, the realism and how well it's written, but how does it hold up regarding my wishes with cliffhangers, suspense and wtf moments? I think it's really well done, but 'just' depicts a general story. What should be my expectations going into it?
The Wire is an entirely different experience from most television and may not be what you're looking for. You describe some common tropes in TV. The Wire is more like a cross between a novel and a somewhat sad, but moving, human interest piece. It has cliffhangers in a sense, but not the sort of hooks that get thrown out by most series. But really, it is the best show ever made. I found it to be more educational than most other works of art and a lot of my schoolwork. You have to put in some patience at times, but the payoff is incredible.
Interesting, sounds really unique indeed. Just what I heard all the time so far. And that makes it interesting, even though it might not fit 100% my criteria. I guess it's a no-brainer must watch anyway, which such critiques. Thanks for the clarification :)
There are so many different stories going on within the Wire. When it aired, it was definitely one of the few shows that, regardless of what what was going on, I knew I would be tuning in. It really puts you through the ringer, emotionally. Like Breaking Bad, I was sad when it ended, but satisfied none the less. I would agree that it's not a show you can just casually watch and that it is about the payoff. I've been considering rewatching, but it is such an investment.