I agree with coffeesp00ns -- A binary language just doesn't leave enough room for variety. One transgender relative of mine has taken to signing their email with both m and f names. One of the interviews, I think with Diane Sawyer, mentioned Deuteronomy 22:5 which prohibits cross-dressing. One of them says, "You see how far back it goes. They wouldn't prohibit it if it wasn't already happening."
Interesting thing about that deuteronomy quote - It's all about interpretation. If a trans woman is a woman, then wearing mens clothing is "cross dressing", and vice versa for trans men. you can read that as saying that trans men and women should be allowed to wear the clothing of their assigned gender. btw, lil, I appreciated the note you sent about your trans relative. It was heartening to hear. I don't have a significant other of my own, but in many ways I don't know if I love myself enough yet to intimately love another.
I agree. A transwoman wearing men's clothing would feel like she is cross-dressing. The Bible doesn't seem to recognize the trans concept but makes a point of making trans and gay behaviours an "abomination" Some primitive cultures really needed to organize their world in a simple way. Other cultures may have had more flexibility.
I think, in many ways, the societal problem comes from not those who "pass" as their gender, but those who do not, because we cannot classify them. They make use unsure, confused, because they are amgibuous to us. As a result trans people like myself, who do not pass, fall into the Uncanny valley for some people. It's fucked up, but in some ways those who feel that way can't help it, and changing means facing up to the fear they feel.