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comment by lil
lil  ·  3611 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you reading? Is it any good?

Actually I just took that out of the library. While I was in the library, I saw In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age by Nev Schulman. He is apparently the host of a TV show called Catfish which I had never heard of. The book begins by being about himself and others who have "fallen in love" and had "relationships" with people they have never met -- who then turn out to be not who they said they were. 25-year-old female models turning out to be 19-year-old boys, for example.

It's enough to make me want to stay off line forever. Almost. Cumol and I recently exchanged videos of each other's speeches, so we might be the people we say we are... at least I hope.

I'll get to DFW shortly. Thanks for the shout-out thundara (who, by the way, claims to have a gender unlike our new friend lambda, who when asked whether he had a gender, said this:

    Cosmology is the beat behind a piece of music.

Cumol  ·  3611 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, I am real. And I think you can confirm that I am not a typical arab...

lil  ·  3611 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't even think in terms of "typical" or "arab" or "graduate student" or "scientist" or, or, or...

and I'm not your typical rapper, for that matter.

but yes, of course, anyone who is wondering, Cumol is adorable, as we all are, much cuter than our imaginary persona. Real-life hubski meetups tend to validate that.

Cumol  ·  3611 days ago  ·  link  ·  

lil, did you ever try to rap?

calls eightbitsamurai... hand her a mic please!

lil  ·  3611 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wrote and performed a dub poem once called "Counting Pens" about working in a Jail School and how the kids would steal everything all the time. I was going to post it but I can't find it. It dates back to before my last hard drive crash. Now I know things can be recovered from hard drives. Now I know to back up. I just got a back-up drive programmed to back up every night and to do a full back-up once a week, but I had to disconnect it since it messed up a bunch of other things, like having the computer start in the morning.

Note to self: plug in your back up drive soon