I wish it were more of an essay. I get what he's doing but I would have appreciated more detail. I love comics and I defended reddit to a degree on here not too long ago because I kinda liked their comics sections but the online comic community is pretty awful and I was wrong (I just like it when people get my weird jokes, sorry). I couldn't encapsulate it easily and it's too late for me to try. Just imagine Tumblr and Twitter manufacturing controversy every two months about race and gender. It makes me want to abandon comics. This guy could say a lot more with an essay. The problem extends beyond the internet people.
I don't know taco. If you are an artist, chances are you'd want to tell your story about shades of colour in pictures. If you're a poet, you'd be better able to paint word pictures, but the story wouldn't be half as understandable. I want to see these shades of brown and green so that the issues are black and white, and gray.