Well, the Stones wrote many of their own songs and the ones they didn't write, they credited to the original artist..... Zeppelin, who I love, did not.
I don't know enough to argue but I've never heard someone call the Stones the best rock band ever. I'd love to get convinced!
This is a silly topic, "best".... But, in my opinion to be one of the best rock bands you would have to be a great live band. The Stones were. They had arguably the greatest front man of all time and could hold an audience captive. Plus they put out a TON of music.
Great Jagger piece on Gimme Shelter Didn't they rip that girl off though? Can a more sober mind clarify?
Of course it's silly, it's clear which bands are truly the greats. I don't feel any intense feelings of awesomeness from this though, idk.