Money quote: Saying Chick-fil-A is anti-gay for donating to a religious organization is like saying someone supports domestic violence because they paid to see a Mel Gibson movie.
But, really, come for the chicken, stay for the Seinfeld.
But their chicken nuggets are heavenly. :c
- I can't worry too much about downstream purity of profit intentions"
I don't eat there - the food is pretty bad to my taste - but proud? Maybe I'm having a Vizzini moment here.
If I knew that my dollars were even indirectly going towards something called "Pray Away the Gay", I'd take issue with it... no matter how good their spicy chicken sandwich is. -And it's really good.
I can't worry too much about downstream purity of profit intentions. I kind of top out at boycotting certain hollywoodistas who shove too much of their private life at me. Everyone else is pretty much free to take their money and do as they like with it. -XC