Racially tolerant, sure. Religiously tolerant... I dunno. After the recent attacks in Paris Twitter, Reddit, and internet forums in general are ripe with "All Muslims are bad" type sentiment. I realize, yes, it's "just the internet", but it's prevalent on a frighteningly large scale. I've seen more flat out hate for an entire population of a billion+ people of a certain faith than I ever have in my life. It's scary. White male kid goes on a shooting rampage and kills a bunch of kids in a school, "Oh we need more education and mental health services in this country". Couple Muslim people do it, and "Islam promotes violence! Muslims really need to get their shit together." Sure millenials are okay with black people. Great. That was a civil rights bridge that was crossed decades ago. But we're facing an entirely new battle of tolerance, and right now it's a religious one with Muslims. There is a shockinly large movement of "Islamaphobia" sweeping social media and the internet in general and it's honestly disturbing.he younger generation is more racially tolerant than their elders.