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comment by no-cheating

I've never been on a rollercoaster in my life. Still I'm having this incessant willingness to ride one for at least few years. What do you think are the best amusement parks in Europe? I currently live in Poland, but will move out soon, maybe to Netherlands.

veen  ·  3577 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My personal favourites are Europa Park and Phantasialand in Germany, Efteling in the Netherlands and Liseberg in Stockholm, Sweden. Haven't been to most of those but not because of a lack of will. I've heard Energylandia will open this year in Poland, I'd suggest checking that out!

Cumol  ·  3569 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I heard europapark is good. I am not far from phantasialand, maybe I should give it a try :)

no-cheating  ·  3577 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This Energylandia (what a name!) seems more aimed at children, but I may check it out nonetheless. I remember reading about Europe Park and as I still remember it (my memory totally sucks) it must have seemed interesting. I may go to Germany on summer holidays and visit it.