Hi rezzeJ, thanks for setting this up! How about instead of using a new thread for each week we individually reply to this post with our goals for the year, whenever we want to add an update we simply reply to our own post with the details. It allows everyone to keep their own schedule, it will track all our updates in a log within one post for easy review... Thoughts?
I think the benefit of a reoccurring thread is that it will give people a motivator somewhat to work towards each 'x' amount of weeks. A sort of accountability to everyone else who will be taking part. Not that anyone is forced to post each time, of course. But yeah, I don't know about anyone else, but being left up to my own schedule can often result in becoming unproductive. Plus, with this running throughout all of 2015, it might become a bit overrun and/or hard to follow comment wise. I think discussion would be facilitated through a reoccurring dynamic. That's just my perspective of course, if others feel your suggestion would run better then I'm all ears. Cheers for the feedback!