Money as technology? Jefferson as an inventor? Mining? Metallurgy? Stamping? Banking? All of the above and more?
Not at all! It's basically an "everything you know about money is wrong" argument from an anthropologist who not only spent 3 years in Madagascar, but whose professional economic experience seems largely dedicated to opposing the IMF. I'm going to finish it before I recommend it but right now, I see myself recommending it.
I'n'I can hook you up. Barring that, so can most libraries. I decisively stopped listening to NPR in 2003 when they had a Marketplace article talking about how the economy can't be bad because orders of Learjets and Gulfstreams were up. I haven't missed it.
Interesting. I thought you were using all that, and that Jefferson seemed like an obvious choice, given that you could have used any number of presidents. A George W. Bush commemorative gold coin (which I know you carry around in your pocket for inspiration) wouldn't have had nearly the weight.