Glad you like it- this one was especially satisfying to work on. Breezy. Think I can squirrel away a few moments tomorrow or the next day to fill out end part. If you ever re-record it as TNG official, I'll be happy to re-track. Just sayin'. Actually, that goes for any of the songs we work on...
Thanks, though I'm not even sure what TNG official means anymore. I just really enjoy making things and the truth is that I've never been good at re-tooling, editing or re-recording stuff. I tend to move on too quickly to the next thing. I had guys in my band, in particular bkessler (he probably won't see that shout-out) that were very good at being more detailed oriented. Or maybe, it's that I don't enjoy working on re-tooling alone, I like a side by side collaboration. Me and bkessler were good at that together. Or, maybe it's that I have Hubski, two kids, a wife in residency and a full-time corporate gig and re-working songs just isn't possible anymore. But thank you for the offer. I'm just glad you're tracking these tunes, however loose they may be, with me. It's a blast and I really love your work. Your voice and background vocals always blow me away. You have a gift. Thanks for sharing it.