I'm genuinely not trying to pick a fight. I love all of my kids. like... a lot. And I can identify with that experience of holding that first kid for the first time. But magic aside, I also remember other life altering experiences of holding that first kid (and each subsequent kid) at 3 in the morning whilst they cry and cry and cry and wonder if or when I'll ever have 3 uninterrupted hours of sleep again.
For me personally, the first time I held my son, he was the very center of my universe and remains so still. Is he more important than my spouse? I would have to say yes. If I were to ask my wife if our son is more important to her than I, I am certain she would say yes also. It is not because we don't love each other. Far from it, it simply means that we love our son more. I recall the sleep deprivation, the piss in the face, and the runny stool on me all too well. As I am sure you will agree, it was all worth it and them some.