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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3722 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Discussion: Why do you stay in the US?

    You do need to do something about your health care system, though.

Immediate sweeping changes I would make:

1) A conscript military. Don't want to serve in the military? Americorps. Peace Corps. Medicins sans Frontier. But I want every mother's son to spend 4 years out in the world, with a gun or without, and I want politicians to stop voting other people's kids out into danger.

2) A higher top marginal tax rate. Let's shake a little money loose, shall we, and increase upward generational mobility while we're at it. Capital accumulation is bad for humanity.

3) Nationalization of primary and secondary school budgets and standards.

4) Single-payer healthcare.

5) Abolition of the electoral college.

6) Election finance reform such that 33% of all funds collected must be disbursed to your competitors.

My king-for-the-day list, anyway.