For most of my 20's, I haven't lived in the US and that was a very conscious choice. Others have mentioned the "can do" attitude that is very particular to American culture. I remember being on the beach with some friends (Brits and Americans) and enjoying the hell out of being alive, but we got to talking and in the course of the conversation, it became clear that all our needs were being met. We had enough money, food, social standing, etc. to basically do what we wanted there and to continue doing it indefinitely and I remember feeling really sad. One thing I hated about the US was that everyone is striving so hard all the time and so many end up falling so short. That and the ever-present desire to win. There was no risk living abroad and since there were no stakes, I couldn't feel like I'd won anything. What I know about myself is that I do want to test myself, to stand shoulder to shoulder, or go head to head with other people. Even if I don't "win" at least I'll know I can take a hell of a beating. Anyway, that's why I'm back. I'm trying my hand at something and really swinging for it this time. If I fail, there's a beach out there that I can wash up on, I'm sure.
You know, I ascribe the term "crystal meth culture" to the angry, uptight, overly demanding culture in America that seems to value hard work for its own sake and decries what it calls the "stoner culture" in which everybody seems to be a "lazy bum". I've never had marijuana in my life, though. I just feel like a lot of conservative commentators are on crystal meth for that reason.