I finally figured out why I hate halloween. The act of putting on a costume is the act of drawing attention to yourself, and I learned early in life that drawing attention to myself was the surest way to get smacked or draw my parents into a 36-hour fight. Also, anything involving school stuff that required my parents involved heavy amounts of guilt and drama and more than a little drinking. I realized this when I posted that picture of me as a robot - I was trying to figure out why I wanted a costume where I wasn't really visible beyond an eyeslit. It is, however, a favorite holiday of my wife's. It's her mother's favorite holiday by far. We're doing some volunteering for the munchkin events at the apartment complex and we're definitely dressing the kid up. I believe she'll either be a watermelon or a witch. She seems a little uncertain about the holiday.
I was about to ask if you were aware that Tom Arnold was in the photo too? Your daughter looks a lot like you KB.