Purpose. As I alluded to in the most recent 3-word story challenge, I recently finished Chad Harbach's excellent novel The Art of Fielding. More than anything else, what struck me about the main character Henry was his singular, intense sense of purpose. He knows that he wants, even needs to be the best baseball player possible, and he works day and night for years to achieve that. I wish I had his clarity of purpose.
First of all, thanks for the thoughtful reply, it's what I had in mind.
I do think there would be something satisfying in knowing EXACTLY what you want to have your life's pursuit to be. I have far too many things I'm interested in and striving for at all times. My wife and I both struggle with this from different perspectives. I haven't chosen one discipline that requires all of my focus and feel divided by several projects and passions at the same time -spread too thin. She chose to pursue medicine and outside of our family life, this consumes all of her time and energy. She is a very smart and capable person and therefore often wishes she could pursue other disciplines too. More than once I've heard her say, "I should have been a ______." -The thing is she's an amazing physician and though she's at the beginning of her career, I have no doubt she'll be one of the top in her field globally some day. But you could have said that about her regardless of what she chose. Me, not so much. I'm good at the things I do. Some of them I'm very good at, but I'm not the "best there is globally" at anything. Better to be really good at a number of things for me. For her, I'm glad she's chosen a specific pursuit and it could have been any number of things to pick. I guess the key is to pick, or to consciously decide not to.