I have a Russian coworker, she's a dear friend of mine. Expect to hear back from me on this, and if you don't, harass me until I send the lossless .wav of her translation of the ~1 minute long script I write concerning out-of-control orbital russian lizard sex satellites.
Well... bad news, my friend. Went to lunch with her today, she told me that she doesn't feel comfortable doing it, and that it's too "political", since the West's relationship with Russia has been steadily deteriorating ever since the Ukraine fiasco. She's always been very hush-hush about her Russian background (moved here when she 13), and shies away from identifying as Russian. I told her there would be no way to trace the audio recording back to her, but she still refused. I find her explanations nothing short of paranoia, but we're dead in the water. Sorry man. :( I would recommend posting somewhere on another forum with a larger userbase. Prepare a little news piece, or even just ask that they translate an existing one about the story. It really is a simple request and shouldn't take any native Russian speaker longer than 5 minutes.
"vee hav herd yor browdkast, komrad. yu vil plae vor Puttin tunigh'it"