Proceed to burn the rest of your house down because you've ruined everything. Okay, so this looks delicious and I want it. Never had eggplant like that before, what it's like when it's pureed? Saving this post for future reference, might be good for a slow afternoon. Questions: 1. What kind of tomatoes did you use? Hot house/heirloom/beefsteak/other? 2. How long did it take beginning to end, break notwithstanding (I'm sure your dog loved the turkeys by the way)?If you burn the roux...
Took about 3 hours, due to eggplant size and needing to find gloves to seed the Serrano. I ended up using these mostly because I'd never seen them before. They're good. I would use heirloom if possible or if not, beefsteak. Yeah, the dog doesn't fuck with the adult turkeys, but man, he was itching to run after those babies. Edit: All the dicing goes way faster if you get a friend or two.