There's no room for shame in life. Guilt, sure but shame nope. What I mean is that if I fail at something, I try not to allow it to define me. I try not to allow myself to self-shame. Shame: I'm such a failure Guilt: I made some poor choices that led to me failing. Shame will diminish you forever if you let it. Guilt you can learn from and move on. It can make you stronger even. There's a big difference. Now, let's say for easy comparison that we are only "in control" of 10% of our lives, I'd say that some people do a better job managing that 10% than others. Too many people focus on the stuff that is out of their control. Make a list, daily of the things within your control that you'd like to accomplish. Check things off the list. = a happy you deal with failure?
How much of your life are you in control of, and are you happy with that?
-I'm not sure how much I'm in control of, seemingly less of it now that I have children. That said, it's sort of like the myth of the human brain. We have all of this potential yet legend has it we only use 10% of our brain power. Well, some of us use that 10% better than others, wouldn't you agree?