“Why are you staring into the distance like that?”
“Well, I have minor and major worries. Which do you want first?”
“Uh…the minor, I guess.”
“Well, the Outlander’s broken free from the story, and my grasp. He’s pretty much free to do whatever he wants, and I’m not really sure what I’m going to do about that. If anything at all.”
“Oh my. That’s the minor worry? What the hell is the major worry?”
“…An uncomfortable number of people have already approached me so that they can have story-sex with kleinbl00.”
“That’s not a worry, sir. I’d have sex with kleinbl00.”
“I don’t even know what to say right now.”
“Mmmm, kleinbl00…I’m sorry, where were with this?”
“Let’s just keep going, I guess.”
I was going to comment that it's like 4:30am where you are and well past the point where all good people are asleep and dreaming and then I started reading and now I'm just going to back slowly away. FWIW I'm almost positive a Tluafed Dom tidder looks like this:
Not really. I find his writing overwrought and his stories largely incoherent. The dumb thing is the best Ctulhu stories were actually written by Robert Howard, whom you probably know more for this guy:
I'm gonna say no. If Lovecraft were filmable it would have been done a dozen times by now. Which is not to say these guys have an excuse for sucking as hard as they did.