A way to be Left and still enjoy the benefits of exploitation. Shopping at Hole Foods and having gay friends as an ablution It works and is entirely more pleasant you don't have to hang with poor people and union folks.
It's funny, because everyone looks at social problems and economic problems as separate. Really, what isn't an economic problem? Social justice follows economic justice. That's why the 14th Amendment failed miserably. They tried to right a wrong by imparting social justice while still denying economic opportunity to blacks. The women's rights movement didn't take hold until women started working regularly. Gay people are affluent and many are white; that can explain why gayness has quickly become normative for all but ardent religious fanatics and old school latent homosexuals (e.g. Larry Craig types). All anyone wants is a chance to feed their families. The fact that young, white "liberals" see a separation of economic and social justice further speaks to how poorly they are educated about how the world works.
Two incomes at male wages no kids is a thing but a lot of gay households look nothing like that. The Lady-gays for instance.
There's actually an interesting bit of research going into the difference in acceptance with male gay-ness and female gay-ness (or lesbianism) and how being male and having a greater disposable income may have helped play into greater public male gay predominance and/or 'acceptance' (through the success of businesses like male gay bars vs. female gay/lesbian bars, for instance). Unfortunately I can't speak much more to this, heard about it through some friends of mine, but it's an interesting thing to think about - how the historic higher male salary, and thus disposable income, multiplied by 2 in a couple, may have encouraged businesses (and other structures) to cater to gay males, but not gay/lesbian females. However, like, it's all research and I know nothing conclusive, I just find it an interesting topic to consider. I do wonder how the rates of aggression/homophobia/attacks compare across genders as I wonder if greater public presence via gay males may have taken its toll elsewhere.
My folk theory is that gay men take the brunt of the violence/homophobia but no stats in front of me [if only I could figure out google] . I had a student once a young woman in an all-female sexual relationship she said "Two dudes is an abomination before God. Two chicks is sexy". In the Courts and Market I think gay men are more likely to have the cheddar to get the cheddar than Gay women or women in general.
You should have said that two chicks is an abomination before God, just like two men are. That would have thrown her the biggest right hook ever, I think. Of course I have to clarify (or feel that I do) that I'm totally fine with everybody marrying anybody that they want. Within reason of course (nothing like this old men and young boys organization, that shit is sick). I had a student once a young woman in an all-female sexual relationship she said "Two dudes is an abomination before God. Two chicks is sexy".
If you have an hour to spare, here is a video about how to type into a textbox. http://www.google.com/insidesearch/searcheducation/training.html
I am going tear shit up with my new Google skills
Exactly If everyone had the funds to get a fair shake in court and a voice in the political process social issues would be addressed. It is all about the benjamins. in america you pay to play.