I'm all for this change, it seems like an addition that just makes sense. It's hard to argue against the fact that many foods have substantial amounts of sugar added to them during processing. Now, what I would like even more than this would be a serving size system that makes sense.
No such thing as sugar that is "good for you". There is sugar that gets absorbed into your body quicker than other sugars, thereby creating faster spikes in your blood sugar, but that's about it. There are also foods such as veggies and fruits that have other things in them that make it so the sugar is absorbed even slower, and they are things that, typically speaking, you shouldn't avoid even if they have sugar in them. But there is no such thing as sugar that is "good for you".
Wasn't Michelle Obama working on an overhaul of the serving size system? Hold on a sec Here you go. Actually, looks like it was maybe supposed to be part of this overhaul. So we'll see if that ever happens.