So, many of you here seemed to like my various posts describing flag design. Someone asked if I had a blog, and I realized that it would be fun for me to actually start one about flags. I just made it today, so there is limited content, but if you're interested in design, history, or just curious, I'll be posting a different flag every day with a description and some history.
Feel free to check it out, and give me some pointers on
When I was learning to talk, I was flag-obsessed. I couldn't pronounce L's yet, so, there was that too. My parents bought me a "Flags of the World" poster, had it framed, and hung it in my bedroom. I studied up. Fast forward to kindergarten. It's Monday of "green week". The teacher has us seated around a chalk board, and kids are raising their hands sky-high, all sounding off items that are green. "Frogs," a kid says. "The grass!", a girl exclaims. "The flag of Libya," I offer, but the teacher furrows her brows, pauses for moment, writes nothing on the board, then moves on to the next student. I knew for damn sure that I was right, and I felt nothing short of devastated. What I'm trying to say is... great idea for a blog, amigo!
Perhaps she had a gay environmentalist friend from Libya and thought you were being derogatory?
Awesome and thank you! I agree, and find it interesting that no matter what country you're from, what your political beliefs are, or what your culture represents, we all have chosen flags to represent ourselves.
Oh I plan on it. I'll do it pretty much at random but try to tie it into specific dates (think the mexican flag on cinco de mayo), as well as historical flags, state flags, battle flags etc. Cant go wrong there.
We made some cool 51 star flags. Have you noticed that capt America is really capt Puerto Rico?
Vexillologically speaking, even though it is one of the most recognized flags in the world, the US flag breaks a lot of flag design rules. The canton (upper blue part with the stars) is really cluttered, and if the flag werent so iconic, and emerged today as a new flag, most people would bash it for a bad design. The Faroe Islands flag is my favorite. The white field and vibrant Nordic cross is beautiful, strong, and elegant