Ok. But I am curious about what you think we should do about comment spam? That is: Buy GOLD HERE GOLD HERE <LINK>!!! <LINK> Or what if in each of your posts, a user (or several users) constantly used slurs against you and people that commented in your posts?
In my opinion, the same self-moderation policy that hubski has always had applies here. Also, I think we should apply the philosophy that problems which do not exist shouldn't be fixed. If comment spam becomes a problem, we could discuss it as a community when it's necessary. I've not seen any comment spam on this site, and I've never seen users publicy slander anyone besides kleinbl00.
Holy shit I almost spit my coffee all over my keyboard. I remember all of the back-and-forths we had about some sort of personal moderation before ignore and mute were implemented. We all agree that you were correct on the issue way back then. The thing is, anyone can say that kleinbl00 is an edge case or whatever, but none of these people remembers Christmas 2012, the actual impetus for us finally seeing it your way. For the uninformed, that was a time when a group of jagoffs decided to try to make an active play to ruin Hubski, mainly because they thought syncretic was running this place, and they had some kind of personal distaste for him (from what I gather; I'm not that well educated about it and greatly prefer to stay that way). Just wait till that shit happens again; people will be begging for even more drastic measures than we currently have.
Comment spam has been popping up more and more, actually. Particularly in the #bitcoin tag. I've had to mute some there. I expect that without muting, we would have more. That's one problem that I don't think we could let be much longer if we didn't have the current functionality.