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comment by nowaypablo
nowaypablo  ·  3866 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you were to create an elementary school curriculum, what would it include?

Pardon my delay, I just emerged from a week-long evaluation of who I am as a person, offered to me as a percentage of who I'm expected to be.

Ok I feel better now. Anyway this is awesome info, and I will certainly start trying to apply it. That story ending is always neat and I've noticed it very commonly in college commencement speeches, some TEDTalks too.

I used to be very strong in regards to public speaking, interviews, and communicating with adults especially. It did me wonders in applying for schools and programs as I was always able to impress the interviewer, and I've been student body president in a school of 1,000 for three years running (speeches are the greatest exposure candidates here have for votes). I'm losing that now though, because of a million issues I have yet to sort out for myself and I guess a bit of fear I simply never allowed before. Thanks for these tips again though, maybe I'm in for a comeback.

lil  ·  3866 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I just emerged from a week-long evaluation of who I am as a person, offered to me as a percentage of who I'm expected to be.
This sentence made me shiver -- which is unusual in this climate. I want everyone to read that sentence so maybe I'll use it in a separate post. Reactions:

1. I'm on a retreat to get away from expectations - but I have a sense that they follow me

2. This sounds like math - maybe mknod can give us the ratio.

3. This sounds like a formula for happiness: if who I am is 100% of who I'm expected to be, then I'm a robot (well-programmed). If who I am is 0% of what I'm expected to be then I'm a hermit. What's the right balance? -- just waking up, let's ask hubski later.

Edit : While I took your comment metaphorically, I'm aware that you are talking about the marking process that teachers threaten students with.