- Maliki had a choice — to rule in a sectarian way or in an inclusive way — and he chose sectarianism. We owe him nothing.
"We still want to forge a nuclear deal that prevents Iran from developing a bomb, so we have to be careful about how much we aid Iran’s Sunni foes. But with Iran still under sanctions and its forces and Hezbollah’s now fighting in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, well, let’s just say: advantage America."
I don't understand this. What advantage for the US does he think there is in Iran being an overextended defender of the Shia regime in Baghdad against an onslaught of Sunni fundamentalists?
And what does the US want to get from aiding Iran's Sunni foes?
Good god damn do I hate this whole mess.
I don't know if there is a good guy in these wars anymore. Normally with enough investigation I can figure out who I at least support ideologically, can't do it anymore. There is so much obfuscation and deliberate mis-information about who people are, and what they fight for, that it's damn near impossible to have an educated idea about all of this shit, let alone a possible solution.
That's murky too, though, because the Turks are our allies. Turks and Kurds have been fighting for a long time, and they will continue to do so for a long time yet. Basically what's happening is that our chickens are coming home to roost. Or, if you believe Tony Blair and John McCain, it's all Obama's fault.
- From Day 1, he has used his office to install Shiites in key security posts, drive out Sunni politicians and generals and direct money to Shiite communities. In a word, Maliki has been a total jerk.
He uses the same reigns and vectors for power that the lot of them use be it Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian, Russian or US American power monger.
But instead of padding the bottom line of KBR, Blackwater, and Caterpillar he pads his community.
Jerk, indeed.
No one should even pay a single word of attention to this blowhard. He's been basically wrong about everything he's written in the past dozen years. Friedman is the definition of a windbag. If the Times knew what was good for them, they would have fired all of their Iraq War Cheerleaders in about 2004 when it became obvious to those to whom it wasn't obvious is 2002 that the war was a huge mistake. They needed to purge, and could still use a bit.