I heard a study telling the opposite: on average men talk more than women. Even if I too experienced the opposite. But it's not a stretch to believe. If I remember well, the point was that they are lesser verbose men than female, but they talk so much it raise the average. But what strike me in the article is the "I just said that": My SO, in public, is good with witty one liner, snarky reply etc... Nobody (even her female friends) listen to what she say. But when I just repeat the sentence I'm the "comedian" and the funny guy. Pretty weird. I guess she will now assert "I just said that" , next time I stole one of her joke.
Perhaps this is the study. Maybe it's not how much the sexes talk that causes the communication differences but rather what they talk about: No surprise there.In general, they found that women tend to talk more about relationships. Their everyday conversation is more studded with pronouns. Men tend to talk more about sports and gadgets, and their utterances include more numbers.