IMO, that's evidence of need. Dawkins sure is a grumpy fellow. Human structures are evocative. I see no reason why you shouldn't make one and dedicate it to a non-religious worldview. It's very existence will result in endless discussions and contemplation on the subject. It's clear that Dawkin's really dislikes religion. He explains his reasoning very well. However, his feelings on religion have nothing to do with whether or not there is a God. I'm sure he'd admit that, but his actions seem to speak otherwise.
I take issue with the claim that Hitchens made Atheism a force of "destruction". On the contrary, I think he was alway careful to mention that he didn't care if someone was religious so long as they didn't push it on him or try to teach it to his children at school. I like Alain de Botton's approach though, you certainly catch more flies with giant friendship towers of honey.
The idea of a contemplative secular space is really interesting to me. I'm not religious, but I do feel religious feelings in churches and I think some of them are fantastic spaces laced with history, meaning and can be very powerful, so to see this reproduced for a secular building would be great.
Duke Chapel Exeter Library
Me and my girlfriend tried to get inside about three times, but every time it was closed. Churches are beautiful places.