This track's a year old, his new one is called Lonely Sunday. Also, live at KEXP. EDIT: oh wait you got to that further down. He's been promising us that fucking album for so long
Ah I must've misunderstood the description "Official Release," uploader is just saying its the studio recording. This was also wicked impressive
He's doing a show near me but the venue is 18+. I'm infuriated and I dont have a goddamn fake ID.
tell me about it. i stood outside a bar in the rain for an hour to see shakey graves a few months ago. i'm considering getting a fake id because of the remarkable amount of music i'm missing lately. so frustrating! if i were you i'd go for it, reignwolf is bad ass. I but the venue is 18+. I'm infuriated and I dont have a goddamn fake ID.
I would think seriously about trying to slip in the back or something. 21 venues are a lot stricter about age, so if you get in the 18 you're probably good to go. Maybe get a friend to work with you on that. EDIT: or borrow the ID of any relative who looks remotely like you. Seriously, 18+ venues are so anachronistic that their bouncers aren't really going to give a shit.
Hey flagamuffin and iamducky, I was looking through some summer shows and I see Reignwolf had booked another show in Philadelphia, PA. I'm over in NYC but its a $15 show, and I'm considering making it over there. is the link. I heard someone say he's been touring so hard his voice is literally gone, but it's two months from now maybe he'd have gotten a break :D Are you guys close by? Some sort of impromptu hubski meetup would be wicked...
Edit: ducky I hadn't heard shakey graves before, such a sweet group hahaha, thanks for the rec!
Hahaha oh man that would be awesome, but I'm down here in New Orleans. Thanks for the invite anyway :D Yessss, another convert! Shakey's my dude. If he and reignwolf ever collaborated I'd die. Here's a playlist from /r/listentothis that has most of my favorite songs he's done. You might like this video in particular if you haven't seen it yet (based on the fact that you like reignwolf!).
That is just awesome, I heard Late July but that live session is just so real. Thanks so much man, if reignwolf and shakey collab there will not be a city far away enough for me to miss the concert on :D
Np just curious, and that sounds sick, I hadn't thought to see a rock concert for the NYC meetup.