Clockwork Empires, a...colony simulator, sort of like Sim City meets Dwarf Fortress, with multiplayer, procedurally generated customized buildings, a fascinating development blog, a Victorian-era science theme and cults to the ancient old ones. Double Fine's Hack N' Slash, a old-school-zelda-like hack and slash, with actual hacking. SportsFriends- a collection of 4 local multiplayer games, looks super great. Radio the Universe - super cool style, sort of a cyberpunk-zelda game Choice Chamber - a game inspired by TwitchPlaysPokemon OlliOlli - skateboarding super-fun Curse of the Necrodancer - roguelike dungeon delve rhythm game playable with guitars and dancepads Gods Will Be Watching point and click thriller with despair and stuff Darkest Dungeon - RPG about the stresses of dungeon crawling, humanity, and psychology Hyper Light Drifter 2d action rpg, looks pretty, sounds pretty. Also lots of board games. People should like board games more.