re no sex on first date -- how do I say this impolitely - I meant no full contact sex. Rather than Platonic love, I'd say it was Platectonic love: "rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle." I had another rule _ref_. It was this:
Don't date guys in the same city as me. I lived in a good-sized urban centre (pop. 350,000) and 60 km (40 miles) from a very large urban centre. There is less chance of them hanging around all the time when they live in another city. (But note, as I said before, I didn't smarten up until I was 38.)
All rules need an exception. My spouse and I did the deed, the night we met. Our 26 year anniversary is coming up next month.
Ha. I fucked an executive chef for a while and after it ended my rule became "No fucking anyone else who works in this restaurant/bar." One mess was enough and the gossip from the first time was enough. Restaurants love drama. I didn't need any more.