Do you have a word for the feeling you're describing? Here's some medical suffixes and prefixes that you might consider.I find that people who think all the discoveries have been discovered are the ones who need to get out more.
kb's line that jumped out at me.
I make a point to try and 'get out in the world' as much as possible, and not to make excuses (But totally making excuses) I am a full time student, working part time, positively diagnosed with a chronic heart condition that makes all physical activity a struggle, perma-broke, and all of my friends think the outside is scary and to be avoided. Last summer I got a kayak (Well two) I just got a rack for my car that lets me take it where I want to when I want to, because rowing takes my mind off things and is a physical activity I tolerate well, because I can coast along and still make progress. I want to get out more, and make a point to try and do so as much as possible, but there are times when it feels like I am being conspired against. And I don't have a name for it yet, some kind of -algia.