I had a few Mikkellers and liked them. However the first time my wife learned about Mikkel's work was our sip of Walk on Water, which blew our minds. Based on this, I want to learn more about his rival twin. These are truly the finest times for beer.
It's funny, but seeing the amount of thought that goes into creating beer these days often reminds me of how strange the world is and how much has been accomplished in only a few thousand years. It's easy to forget how amazing it is to be alive in this time.
I've had beers from both brothers and usually found them to be very enjoyable. I can't say that a beer is good, beer is highly personal, What I like other will not. I live in a state with an obscene number of breweries a large number of the well lauded ones I find horrible (Oregon is obsessed with huge hoppy beers which just aren't to my taste). I usually prefer a Mikkel to an Evil Twin. I'd rather be drinking Stillwater or better yet Fantome if it's a Belgium style beer. If you ever see a bottle of Fantome under $30 just buy it, I think the guys beers are special. Look for a cartoony ghost on the bottle. Stillwater is way easier to find and while I haven't liked everything I've had from him he's made some of my favorite beers (it's cheaper than Fantome as well). The two brothers story, while interesting, doesn't really make me care more about their beer one way or the other. Both guys make beers worth checking out.
I noticed that when I went to a brew fest in Portland a while back. I like hoppy beers, but they're not what I want all the time. I have yet to try either Mikkeler or Evil Twin, or the two you also mentioned, but I'll keep my eye out for sure.Oregon is obsessed with huge hoppy beers which just aren't to my taste