Racism? Really? Do you have any proof for that? The reason so many people are in prison is because we have harsher sentences , broader laws, and more laws. And the reason we have harsher sentences is because we are afraid of 'criminality', and the prison guard unions and police unions are powerful. Also Occam's razor isn't any kind of scientific standard or measure.
My favorite american historian Condelezza Rice said that America was born with a birth defect and that is slavery. She has made some mistakes about other things but in this she is dead right. America policy makes sense if seen as White Supremacist even our foreign policy. Germany and The Netherlands also have strong unions. harsher sentences , broader laws, and more laws because of what? You put quotes on 'criminality' because it is largely a euphemism for Black? When you hear hoof beats think horses not zebras.
Occam's Razor actually is a scientific standard, at least in some branches. Phylogeny is a great example:
Well sure, in specific areas of data analysis. But most people I find think Occam's razor can be applied much more broadly. Example: 'The sky is blue, water is blue, therefore the sky is made of water. This is the correct answer because it's the simplest explanation.'