After crossing 30 and having a few nieces and a nephew, my views on family life have softened. I used to be adamantly against it, but I can see a different value now that I was indifferent to before. One of the main reasons I broke up with my previous girlfriend is that it became clear to me that she would make a terrible wife and mother. That didn't matter to me in the beginning, because I never wanted that (in fact, I think I found it attractive, because it took that out of the equation necessarily). But once I started feeling like it was even in the realm of possibility, I cut bait. It was a good choice.
I'm willing to believe my views may change in the future. That's wherefore all my mights and maybes. Maybe I'll meet someone who's so great they'll convince me I'll be a great parent too - not in a bad way, more like in a kb00 sort of way. And you know what? It is a good idea, also, to cut out of relationships when you realize they're not what you want. Which is probably another stick in the pile of "why I'm okay with the prospect of being in long-term but not permanent relationships for as long as it works for me."