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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Congrats, Millennials. Now It's Your Turn to Be Vilified | Wired Opinion | Wired.com

Jesus fucking Christ, when will it end.

Here, here, I'm just gonna post this here because I think I've said every possible thing to say on this subject, and Jon Stewart is more eloquent than me, and uses less profanity than I would at this point.

thenewgreen  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Great quote from Stewart. Serious question 8bit, do you feel like this bias effects you at all in your actual life outside of internet discussions? If so, how?

user-inactivated  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Eh, well on a hierarchy of things people find uneasy about me, it'd probably be:

    Being Black

    Having a Weird Name

    Finding out I'm Muslim

    My Age

So probably not too much of a negative bias. As for a positive one: people sometimes equate "being better than the rest of my generation" with "knowing how to fucking present myself." Hell, it's probably how I got my last job - I was told the person who was interviewed before me came in with tennis shorts and flip-flops. That's not because of his age, it's because he's fucking stupid.

It amazes me how people can make such a crazy wide generalization over one generation. In every generation, there'll be people who do super well, people who suck terribly, and people like me - who are just trying to make it through without fucking killing ourselves. Don't think that makes us entitled. Plus we have to deal with all the shit you guys handed to us, like the fucked up environment and my inability to get a decent job and that good 'ole widening wealth gap, but, hey, who's countin, amirite?

kleinbl00  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

A couple things.

THING 1) the whole "flip flop" thing is kinda new. Yeah, you personally have your shit together. Here's the problem, though - used to be there was a higher percentage of people with their shit together. Your generation has their "shit together" less than previous generations - which is not to say you're stupid, it's not to say you're lazy, it's not to say you're entitled, it's to say that you're not hewing to the societal norms required of you even when it's in your best interest. GenXers were just as disillusioned and ironic about The Man as the Beatniks were - but when you need a paycheck, you put on a happy face. Millenials show a documented reluctance to put on a happy face. Call it will, call it stubbornness, call it resignation; at the end of the day, it is a new wrinkle.

THING 2) The first mutherfucker who took a shit and didn't bury it was fucking up the environment. Long-term ecological damage predates writing. Don't hang the goddamn greenhouse effect around my neck, punk. That job you can't get? Tell your dad to retire. I'm still in my position because he blew his 401k on Worldcom stocks and is gonna be regional GM until the sun is a cinder. Know why you can't get a job? 'cuz we're all stuck in positions we should have moved up from in '05. "Wealth Gap?" Gimme a break. That shit started unraveling in '67. Again, take it up with your parents.

I've said before - y'all got the shaft. No doubt. Y'all earned a little bitchin' about it. No doubt. You point that finger at me, mutherfucker, and I'll break it off. History ought to be taught backwards just so that everybody can see that for every effect there's a cause and for every disaster there's an idealist with startling focus and negligible perspective. It's all a continuum, it's all Hands Across America, it's all Pay it Forward and when you get in the mindset that "we" fucked up "your" world…

…well, it puts you in an "enjoy the ramen, hipster" frame of mind. Not what you want to do to a demographic that, by your own admission, has a leg up on you.

Word to the wise.

thenewgreen  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

1. That's lame

2. In fairness to those implicated, eightbitsamurai is an odd name

3. How did you get in here?... we have a strict no muslim policy

4. Ah, I'd see psulli's comment and take comfort.

    I was told the person who was interviewed before me came in with tennis shorts and flip-flops. That's not because of his age, it's because he's fucking stupid.
-My grandfather is a successful entrepreneur that is fond of saying, "thank god for shitty competition." -So true.

    ....and people like me - who are just trying to make it through without fucking killing ourselves.
-I sincerely wish you continued success in this department.

    Plus we have to deal with all the shit you guys handed to us, like the fucked up environment and my inability to get a decent job and that good 'ole widening wealth gap,
-Every generation has to deal with the fucked up shit that it's left with. That said, every generation also gets the benefits of the improvements and advancements the previous generations made. Right? Yin/Yang. Take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have.... -Wait, you probably don't get that reference.... :)
user-inactivated  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You sly dog. Yeah, thanks for the internet. Very easy to take for granted. Wouldn't be having this conversation otherwise.

thenewgreen  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Don't thank me, I'm a millennial. Just barely according to this

user-inactivated  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh, take it in stride! Like 90s kids that were born in 1995.

user-inactivated  ·  4062 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It ends now, I guess.