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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Detroit's abandoned buildings draw tourists instead of developers

Ruin porn is something most to Detroiter's take issue with. Having someone develop a tour bus around it is ridiculous in my opinion. I'm about to go meet b_b in Detroit right now. While it's not the safest, or cleanest city by any stretch, there are a lot of special things happening there. I agree with those critical of the ruin porn tourists that Detroit has many positive aspects that people should focus on as well. But, that's life right? People prefer to focus on the negative. It's definitely more lucrative to focus on the negative.

NikolaiFyodorov  ·  3945 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And yet the tourism is presumably encouraging local business operators, and business growth will (eventually) drive development and urban renewal. The urban gardens have received international media coverage and I could see small-scale visits to those becoming an inspiring counterpoint to the "ruin porn" bus tours.

I also wonder why the Detroit authorities aren't making more of an attempt to cash in on the trend by charging tourists for access to areas they are otherwise prohibited from entering.

b_b  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think moreso than just a microscope placed on the negative aspects of the city, these types of images bother people because they're shameless objectification. There is a rule in the Geneva Convention against photographing POWs, because they see it is inhumane. Like it or not, this city isn't abandoned, so when we photograph it--no matter how hard we try to keep people out of frame (which is done intentionally by all these hack photographers)--we're photographing someone's home, pitying it, ridiculing it, standing in awe that anyone could have such a shitty life. But guess what? That is the reality of the situation. It's a goddam POW camp being stripped of it's humanity by the lens.

Just today I saw some suburban looking cunt standing in the middle of my street taking a picture of a building, the neighborhood; whatever it was I'm not sure. My cynical side wanted to veer off into the lane in which she was standing. Fortunately, my optimistic side is quite a bit stronger.

thenewgreen  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Also, I'm here. Come get a drink.

thenewgreen  ·  3946 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, there is something to be said for optimism. Could be that she was photographing your street because she sees the beauty in it. As I recall you have some fantastic old architecture there. Maybe she has an affection for such things?