- Photographer and tour guide Andy Keen has spent 6,000 hours photographing the northern lights. Here's a taster of some of the 150,000 shots he's amassed. These were taken in Norway and Lapland
These are fabulous pictures! We see them from our house sometimes, even in the city with all the lights if they're strong enough. Here's some from last year:
http://naylors-in-norway.blogspot.no/2012/01/pictures-of-nor... We're planning to go north this winter and take dogsleds out to see some up close and personal northern lights. They really are mysterious and breathtaking. It's easy to see how they would inspire divine reverence in earlier peoples.
You would think that this would be one of those easy bucket-list items ... but I have never seen the northern lights.
Several years ago my grandmother and I spent hours at the bonfire marveling at a show that was crazier than any of those pictured here. The entire sky was a moving cathedral of colors. I never thought it possible. This was in the Keweenaw peninsula of upper Michigan. My grandmother grew up there and said she had never seen anything like it. She still talks about it to this day.