Is this the internet equivalent of a stage whisper? :) Way to put me on the spot! dead5, the fact that people are reacting to your alteration of your comment history in this way, makes it seem to me that there are people here who would be willing to listen and talk about any personal stuff you'd feel like unburdening yourself of, if you'd care to.
Yeah, notice that I didn't say that I thought people would be willing to talk to you about you killing yourself. I think most of the people in this thread would agree that that's something not to be handled by strangers on the internet. What I am saying, is that the thing with your comment history seems . . . well, dramatic to be frank. I mean, it must have taken a while to go through each and every comment to replace it with that .gif, no? That takes a certain level of commitment. Anyway, happy holidays . . .
Maybe he has got some sort of bot going. I don't know. It is dramatic. I think it was more of a "let's jump on board and collude!". I would have left the stage whispers for messages. Maybe he is killing his online persona because he dun't like Hubski no moar.
This has sort of turned into that scene in Tom Sawyer when he attends his own funeral.