I had to look up what farolitos were, I'd never heard of them before. That's such a beautiful way to decorate for Christmas.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminaria#Naming_controversy I've seen brawls. The majority opinion is that a farolito is a candle in a bag, while a luminaria is a fire set in the courtyard around which you warm yourself while viewing farolitos. "Well why don't you just stay indoors, dumbass?" Because if you hit The Plaza on Christmas Eve the art galleries are open and there is wine and cookies and carolers and best of all THE FUCKING TEXANS HAVE GONE HOME but they'll be back to clog the roads with their brodozers so enjoy it while you can, gringo, because it's not your city, it's JR's. I can count on one hand the things that I like about New Mexico. Farolitos on the Plaza on Christmas Eve are three of them.