Haha, yes, the babies are doing incredible. I'd drag mom into this conversation, but she's incredibly internet-shy, and nowhere near the braggart that I am, so she won't toot her own horn. I'll toot it for her, though, because she was amazing. VBAC this time- credit where credit's due, the staff at the hospital we went to were incredibly supportive and pro-VBAC, which is shockingly hard to find around here. Wife had a c-section the first time due to pre-term water break without true labor, plus a really shitty OB who was not at all interested in doing things our way. This go-around, she went into real labor, they broke her water after a few hours of lighter contractions, let her body do the rest. She did need an epidural, but only because she was at increased risk for emergency c-section and didn't want to truck with general, and because the girl was breech and required some handling. I know my wife could have handled totally natural like a champ. She got to 8cm without so much as gritting her teeth. Anyhow, she pushed for 30 minutes and that was it. Babies came within two minutes of each other. Baby boy came first. 5lbs 4oz. Baby girl second, 4lbs 11oz. Both of them are doing great, looks like they'll be home in a day. I'm also really impressed with our 3 year old daughter, who responded to their arrival with way more grace and tenderness than I would have at her age. Thanks for asking after the mom and the babies- was so excited to share that I, er, forgot that they are waaaaaay more the heroes in this story.
According to my wife, the hardest part of having that much life in your belly is heartburn. She meant it literally, but the symbolism seems pretty ripe. We were thinking about naming them Biffin and Boffin? But we settled for Eliza and August. Totally planning on dressing them exclusively in matching sailor outfits, though. Nothing in their closet right now but rows and rows of matching sailor outfits.
Wow! We have 3 names for our son picked out and August is the one we've had the longest and are most fond of. -Interesting. Our daughter is "Eve". Great minds think alike. Great names!
Funny- August is a left over choice from last pregnancy before we knew whether it was gonna be a girl or a boy. Great minds, indeed. Eve is a fantastic name. Do you guys know whether you're having a girl or boy yet? Or do you just want to be surprised?
We are having a boy and we are pretty sure that we are going to name him Atticus. It's between that, Jude and August. Also, had we had a girl it would have likely been Eliza. Crazy.