I'm not as nice and non-judgemental as everyone at my school thinks I am. I'm just able to keep my damn opinion to myself. I'm also not as secure in my gender as I look.
so it seems, and i'm not like, upset that i don't fit into a gender binary or anything, It's just confusing to figure out who and what I am while also avoiding being too outward in experimentation. I'm in one of the more conservative arts fields (classical music), and i'm also a very private person.
Outward experimentation isn't usually as obvious as you'd think. Reddit's /r/Asktransgender is usually quite useful for any Gender-based questions. It's mostly to do with just being the most happy you can with yourself. rmuser/Zinnia Jones, one of my absolute heroes in Gender Education, has a pretty good article about choosing a different gender presentation because it makes you happier rather than the other option making you sad. Sorry if this is a bit too much information for what you offered. I'm _very_ pro-experimentation because I think a lot of people are too confined by their gender rather than accepting all facets of it.