I started watching Breaking Bad this year and in a couple of weeks had completely caught up. -dangerously good. much like 98 Degrees -bgood79 you missed out.
I've made it almost through Season 1 a couple times and end up getting distracted. I cranked through The Wire no problem, though, so I'm on it. Gotta finish Serial Experiments:Lain first, and I got me some alternative history to catch up on. With a tumbler of bourbon. In the hammock. In my shorts. Socal in November, bitchez...
70 degrees out today in Durham, not too shabby for a michigander. Just missing the hammock.. and more sadly, the bourbon. Though I did manage to record some music tonight with the aid of some Louis Jadot pinot noir, could be worse. Off to read some Blood Meridian. Funny, I have watched the first season of The Wire and ended up getting distracted. I'll revisit someday. You'll dig Breaking Bad. Cranston has some chops.