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comment by b_b
b_b  ·  4012 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Longing to be a Victim

I just don't get the point anymore of even pointing out how wrong they are on just about everything. It's so well documented what a bunch of propagandists they are that fact checking them is a pointless exercise in patting ourselves on the back. Not all opinions are created equal, and many beliefs have no basis in reality. That there is a fact or two thrown into their arguments doesn't make them valid.

wasoxygen  ·  4012 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If your goal is to change Stossel's mind, I agree that you shouldn't waste your time.

Do you care about the rate of disability claims in the U.S.? If that rate is rising or falling, do you want to know about it? By fact-checking John Stossel, you can become more informed. If you share your findings with the rest of us, instead of name-calling, we might learn something too.

I expect that many people in the Fox News set also trust what they have been told about "the other side" and don't feel the need to do any personal research or critical thinking.