There have been a number of times that a group project on Hubski has been awkward due to individual post authorship.
Today's update addresses this issue: Posts may now have multiple editors.
On the submit page, you can now see a small '+ editors' link. Clicking this link will reveal a 'cc' field where you can add the names of users that you would like to give editorial privileges to for that post.
You can add new editors, or remove them as you like. Editors may edit the text field of the post, not the others.
As always, feedback is much appreciated!
Yes. The reply-alert setting toggles them. Not at the moment. No. They'll have to save it to get them.Are people notified when they become an editor on a post? Are those notifications subject to ignore filters?
Is there a limit on how many editors?
Do all editors receive notifications about replies to the post?
No. Not currently. There's no attribution atm, so it shouldn't be much of an issue. Yes. The author of the post can change the list at any time. However, only the original list gets notified. I was thinking about it. It won't be easy. It's something that I don't think we will pursue unless there seems to be demand for it.Can anyone other than the original editor modify the list?
Can one remove themself from the list?
Can the original editor be removed?
How feasible is it to implement a changelog, wiki-style?
Whoa, neat! This is something that I haven't really seen anywhere else on a hubski-style platform (as opposed to a wiki), and I think it will definitely help foster group projects and collaboration on some things. I think a changelog would really encourage people to make full use out of it, but it's still a great feature nonetheless. Thanks!
You've always been able to do that. Do you mean being able to send mail to a group of people, meaning I could send a PM to both you and mk at the same time in the same thread? If so, you can.
Do you separate the usernames with a comma or just a space?