Hi hubski, I'll be hosting a #PBSscience hangout today at 2pm EST with Joe Hanson from It's Okay To Be Smart, Mike Wilson a.k.a. Coma Niddy, and Craig Musburger from the underH2Oshow! I'll be moderating, asking questions, and helping the audience engage via Twitter and Google+. If you aren't doing anything join the event and learn about science with us!
Thanks man! I posted the recorded YouTube link but it doesn't seem to be taking..
If anyone missed the hangout, but still wants to watch: here is the link.
I wish I could be there but it's impossible. More of a heads up next time please. What is the goal of the session beyond learning about science? Any specific topics?
The purpose will be to introduce their shows to a new audience and allow people who watch their channels to ask questions about science and their content. I've come up with a few questions myself related to their specific research interests and creative style.
Cadell, it was awesome! I was extremely impressed with the quality of questions and the enthusiastic answers. Please let me know in advance next time and I'll be there, with some questions. In fact, you should post a preliminary "askhubski" about what to ask the group. I am sure you'd get some nice questions from the Hubski community. Cheers!