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comment by humanodon
humanodon  ·  4047 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: CDC Threat Report: ‘We Will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Era’

I don't know if you've checked out this article but I found it interesting that doctors are starting to look at how bacteria and the human body function together to maintain our health.

b_b  ·  4047 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Microbiology has gotten really cool of late. For years, nobody could get some species of bacteria that are naturally found in our bodies to grow in culture. It was recently discovered that some of these bacteria need different species of bacteria to grow, presumably whose waste products they need to survive. So we have a situation where the bacteria need each other, and we need them. It's fascinating.

Always remember, 90% of the cells you carry on you aren't human cells.